You are a professional poker player and seeking new challenges at the start of the New Year 2013
Or simply Poker is your interest and you want to enjoy your weekend with extremely interesting experience at a prestigious Poker Tournament.
If so, PSW POSEDION TOURNAMENT is definitely an excellent choice for you.
PSW ASIAN is pleased to welcome players from all around the world to compete in the PSW® Poseidon Cambodia 2013 which will take place at Titan King Casino (National Road No.1, Bavet City, Svay Rieng, Cambodia) February 1-3, 2013.
- Main Event Day 1A: buy-in $220
- Main Event Day 1B: buy-in $220
- Saturday Re-buy: buy-in $60
- Sunday 500 Satellite: buy-in $120
- Sunday 500: buy-in $550
- Sunday Turbo: buy-in $165
- All-in or Fold: buy-in $100
For more info about the schedule as well as the event date, please visit our website: http://pswasian.com/main-event-1st-3rd-february-2013.html or send email to: [email protected] or contact us directly by these numbers:
(+84) 8 3740 7717
(+84)1226915146 English
(+84)1226913044 China
(+84)1226913042 Vietnam
(+84)1226915136 France